DAY 72 – first half down !

Alright! The first half of my scheduled chemotherapy is down. I say “scheduled” because I will soon undergo another PET scan and the next steps of the treatment will be decided by my onc. To be honest, I have always thought of people going thru chemotherapy as rather visibly devastated. I couldn’t be farther from the truth, since I can happily say that, at the moment, I am feeling the best over the past two months. My skin problems are fading away, I have enough energy to play my drums as before and rather surprisingly, my hair is still holding up pretty well. I experience, at times, a weird feeling around my heart. Hard to explain, it does not hurt, but when I have that feeling, I just know that my heart is working and it makes me think of it all the time, so to speak. Maybe it is just my subconscious, which is kind enough to remind me that I am not as healthy as my family and friends, but on the other hand, my consciousness says that is it is not that bad – I am getting the best treatment possible. I am a pragmatic guy (sometimes, even too much, I know), so the knowledge that the Hodgkin’s lymphoma is one of the most easily curable cancers, keeps my chin up. Next week, I am getting another round of three filgrastim shots to boost production of my white blood cells so that I am more immune against any possible infections - better safe that sorry !

Here's a thought - a quote from Paulo Coelho's book "The Alchemist":

“When each day is the same as the next, it’s because people fail to recognize the good things that happen in their lives every day that the sun rises.”

...very true indeed...

2 komentáre:

  1. A preto mam tak rada knihy.
    A preto si z nich uz asi 40 rokov vypisujem,
    co ma chyti za srdce.
    A potom si to obcas vsetko precitam
    ako dalsiu knihu.
    Ako vybrate hrozienka z dobrych kolacov.
    Vzdy, naozaj vzdy tam najdem nieco,
    co mi v tej situacii pomaha.
    Ako puzzle.
    Vyskladam z tych mudrosti zivot.
    A Alchymistu nosim stale zo sebou.
    Uz je, chudak, cely potrhany a docmarany.
    Podopisovane slovicka (my deficiency!),
    vlnkami podciarknute gramaticke zvraty
    a potom silne vyznacene tie pekne quotes.
    Je vlastne jedno,
    kde tu knihu otvorim,
    vzdy tam nieco na mna “svieti”.

    So, MOTD:
    … the fear of suffering is worse
    than suffering itself …


  2. este mi chyba par stran dokonca, ale tak ako vravis, kdekolvek to clovek otvori... :)
