DAY 101 - the fight goes on

DAY 101 -19th May 2011

Back from my fifth chemo. Last time was quite usual – slight nausea and crazy taste buds. Later on, I got another round of filgrastim shots that had me paralyzed again.

Yesterday, I underwent my sixth chemo. Each time I come across different life stories I overhear at hospital. One wouldn’t believe what some people are going through. Unfortunately, life can be tough sometimes.

I must share two positive moments: First of all, I am still being asked by the hospital staff, whether I am there only for a general check-up, since I look healthy. My answer is that, well, actually, I am being treated from cancer, that’s far from a regular check-up :) Secondly, my hair is still resisting receding, despite the fact that I was told I would end up almost bald 2-3 weeks after the commencement of the treatment. Two and half months are gone, but nothing happens, which is good.

I recorded a video of me playing drums, I would like to use this as a sort of a reference video showing what a person in the middle of chemotherapy looks like. It just flies directly in the face of what I had thought about chemotherapy before my first journey to the Oncology Center. Here you go:

All in all, there are two more chemos scheduled for me. I am also going to get a CT scan in June in order to evaluate the whole treatment. I am also about to undergo radiotherapy supposedly in July. I should probably say that I hope everything goes just fine. Over the last three months, I have started to hate the word "hope" as it is oftentimes associated with cancerous diseases. Screw that, I am going to be cured successfully, there's no hope, there's no cancer anymore for me in the future ! In case there is, I am gonna kill it off again!

3 komentáre:

  1. The double meaning title gave me chills. Good job if it was intentional :D
    Just as u say, u were "lucky" and with the personality and character u have, I haven't had even a bit of doubt that the risk of not recovering from this isn't bigger than risk of not recovering from cold.
    e-z p-z lemon sqee-z (... sort of)

  2. Oops, till the end of the treatment, of course! :)

  3. Your fight is going to finish. We keep our fingers crossed for you. :):):):)
