Day 11 - tests, tests, tests,...

Friday – it was a crucial day for me.  It was tiring for me physically and mentally, as well. I started in the early morning with a bloodtest at an infectologist. I like asking a lot of questions, especially when my health is concerned. Throughout the day, I was getting subtle signals from the specialists that I might be in more trouble than I’d thought. After seeing the infectologist, I carried on to see another otolaryngologist who was touching my nodes for 10 minutes without saying a single word.  He provided an explanation that the only precise way of finding out what the problem was, was to perform a biopsy, that is to say, there were going to put me to sleep and take out the node – I got the date – next Tuesday. (I thought, oops, a surgery? first ever in my life, but if it is of benefit, then let’s go for it). Then I went to a number of specialists such as cardiologist (to make sure my heart was strong enough to withstand the narcosis) and also another one who measured EKG (plus another bloodtest, arghh). I seriously thought that I’d visited every single department in the hospital that day, but I was, of course, for a good cause, they were all trying to help me, which I am very grateful for. I also underwent another sonography – the doctor checked whether my organs were fine and found out that my spleen and liver were a bit enlarged – another sign that something was wrong in my body. And then RTG of my chest - result: My lungs started to diverge from each other, oops, another sign? Finally, I came up to my hematologist who ordered me for a PET scan for the next Monday.

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